Friday, January 21, 2011

Latest Happenings..

I seem to be getting worse and worse about blogging! (sorry Aunt Mel). Tons of pictures in no particular order-when I have a bunch to upload I get confused in what order to do them. So, they are very random!
After 5 wonderful weeks at home for Christmas vacation- he had to go back to U of A :(
Michael rides this scooter to get to all of his classes. Nothing but HILLS on campus.
This is where Michael lives. He lives in the fraternity house (Lambda Chi)
While Michael was home, we took a trip to Fayetteville and went to a Razorback game. We love our "hogs".
I turned 46 this month! We celebrated in Branson at Joe's Crab Shack. Delicious!
Michael got to attend several of Jacob's basketball games while he was home. Jacob was thrilled.

We had some snow while Michael was home, wasn' t much..but got a few snow pictures.
Jacob loves eating snow...

Always wanting to hit someone with a snowball...
Our snow day TODAY- sledding....

Jacob measured the snow...we had 3 inches...
Snowy snowy....