Sunday, November 11, 2012


This is our life right now.....

It's basketball season, and this is what we do 3-4 nights a week.  It's our year to travel, so we have alot of away games...We love following the Bobcats!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Hope everyone got out to vote!  Enough said...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sad OR Happy....

I received this text from Michael.  It brought tears to me!  He has officially applied for graduation in May.  He is right on track and will graduate with a double major.  A degree in Electrical Engineering and Physics. 
I have very mixed emotions about this.  He has worked so hard to get where he is and I am so proud of him.  It has been a rough 4 years for ME.  I don't know who has grown more..Michael or his mom!!!  I'm just getting use to the "college life" and him living in Fayetteville.  NOW...he has many decisions to make.  Will it be:
1.  Do an internship for a year?
2.  Go to graduate school?
3.  If he does graduate school, will it be in Fayetteville or somewhere else?
4.  Real world/real job?
So many choices to make.  I know he will make the right choice.  I trust God with this and I am at peace knowing that he will lead him down the right path. 
In the meantime, he still has 6 months left of college.  I am going to continue this ride with him and savor every minute.  I find comfort in knowing that I can get in my truck at anytime and drive 2 hours to see him!  Soooo....I don't know if I am sad or happy!