Sunday, April 29, 2012

Grand Canyon

Well I don't know what is wrong with my blog site.  My pictures are not wanting to load.  I've tried the last two nights to load.  I had like 20 other pictures that wouldn't load.  So here are just a few shots of the Grand Canyon.  It was absolutely beautiful.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Las Vegas (cont'd)

We went to Hoover Dam while we were in Las Vegas.  It was AMAZING!

This is the name of the motel that we stayed at Aria.  It was very nice.
 Gotta LOVE the Las Vegas sign! 
On Thursday, Jacob and I went to California!  They have day excursions that you pay for.  So I thought it would be neat for Jacob to get to go to Hollywood. It was a 5 hour trip there, and 5 hours back!  We left at 6:00 am and returned at 11:00 pm. Very long day. 
Our first stop was Santa Monica Pier.  I got to go here with Michael when he and I went to California.
Snow on the mountains on the way to CA.
 Picture of downtown Las Vegas.  Don't know why it loaded in with my California pictures.
Jacob on the Santa Monica Pier.
The beach.

We stopped in Beverly Hills.

Went on a tour of the stars homes.  This is Michael Jackson's car/garage.
Michael Jackson's house.
I don't know why the pictures didn't appear the way I loaded them. They are out of order.  Oh well....
We also went to the Grand Canyon--I'll post pictures of those later.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring break...

Where did we go on spring break???
It was AWESOME!!!! I've always wanted to go. Roger actually had a conference out there that fell during spring break. So Jacob and I tagged along. Michael did his own spring break (Destin, FL). First time for us to all be apart. That was tough. But we did so much in Las Vegas--- more posts/pictures to come....

Monday, April 16, 2012

High school baseball...

WHAT have we been up too? HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL!!

We went right from basketball to baseball. Jacob LOVES baseball. What sport does the boy not love? I've actually dreaded the high school baseball days for awhile. Once you reach high school- you have to choose between soccer or baseball. Baseball won. Soccer is now a thing of the past for us and a little sad. All the baseball games have kept us busy. We wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Michael turns 21

It has been awhile since I've posted! I've had trouble with my laptop and no time to have the expert look at it. I think I'm finally back! It has been so busy crazy around here. So much going on. I'll start with the first exciting event that has happened.

Michael turned 21 on March 10. Just does NOT seem possible!!!! We actually went to Fayetteville on March 10 for "Mom's Day" for his fraternity. He then rode home with us, and we had a little surprise dinner celebration at a restaurant with all his friends. It was awesome!! He rode back to Fayetteville the next day with one of his friends. It was a fast and furious weekend. We are so blessed to have him. He has been a breeze to raise and such a wonderful young man. So proud of him!