Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day/Weekend Ball..

What an amazing dad! Spent Father's Day Weekend with Jacob playing basketball in Springdale. Roger- you are an amazing dad to these two boys. What a hands on dad you are. You have done a fine job raising these two young men! Hope our dad's had a good day.
Jacob played in a basketball tournament this weekend with his team mates. We played a total of 6 games on Saturday and Sunday. It was HOT in the gym- and it was a long weekend. We came in 3rd. Playing these games will just make our boys team better in the fall. The following are just pictures of Jacob playing....we go to Branson this weekend for the same thing!

Friday, June 17, 2011


WELL... six years ago, I dropped Michael off at his first job! This morning- six years later, I dropped Jacob off at the same place!! Jacob started to work this morning. Right now he will work Monday's and Friday's. We are thankful for the opportunity for him to have a job at this age, and get exposed at how to make a buck. He is home now, and had a great first day. He made $4 in tips today. It's been bittersweet today, because I can't believe that my "baby" actually has a job. (He has a baseball game tonight, so should sleep well later!)
Jacob - getting ready for his first day of work!

Me and my mom! She came up yesterday, and we (me, her, and Jacob) went to Springfield. I was on the hunt for a swimsuit (no luck). We had a good lunch and a nice day together. We made it back home before the big storms hit.

Off to Fayetteville in the morning for some basketball tournaments with Jacob. We can't get enough ball. Roger will be coaching Jacob's team..we are looking forward to a weekend with both boys.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Um, did I say I LOVE summer!? This is what I did today... {I have a friend that lets us use the pool at the resort}
No need to say anything further... lovin summer break, and I am very fortunate to have the job that I have that allows me to have a summer break! Truly thankful.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


It's been a lazy weekend so far! Michael came in Friday night. This picture was taken after Jacob's baseball game. (we lost to Yellville). Michael hasn't missed a baseball game of Jacob's yet. Jacob loves it when Michael is at his games.
Brothers relaxing on the couch after the game.

Tonight the boys are playing a game of scrabble. They like playing board games. I haven't felt well today, so I'm headed to shower and bed. Lake day tomorrow, if it doesn't rain!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sad time...

After struggling for several weeks if we were actually going to keep Sadie- a painful decision was made to give her away. My heart is broken. She is truly an indoor dog. Anyone who knows me- knows that I'm not an indoor pet person. But I was coming around to the fact, it would be OK. She was such a wonderful puppy. She added alot of spice around here and demanded all of our attention; which she got.

(Taken right before I took her to her new owner)

We just decided that the time was not right to have a pet like this. We are still on the GO with Jacob and never home. She has gone to a WONDERFUL family - who will take excellent care of her. AND the best part, she is with her sister. I get updates and pictures and the two are so happy to be together...they played and played yesterday. (My days around here have been spent playing with her). So now, she has a "real" playmate. Been a little lonely around here today without her. Who knew you could get so attached to something in a couple of weeks!?

I'm at peace with the family she is with...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Baseball Time...

Friday night was Jacob's second baseball game. It was H O T~~ His game was at 6:00. It was miserable. We won!

He played first base...and I must say- did an awesome job

Didn't have a great night batting! :(

They played two games. Second game, he got to pitch...he did a good job. We enjoy our baseball, but not when it is so stinkin hot!